LLLT – Low Level Laser Therapy New Technology for an ancient medicine.

As an acupuncturist it is very exciting to see old and new methodologies of treatment coming together in harmony. Acupuncture has been used to treat pain issues for many thousands of years. Treatment is based on the concept of qi (energy) flowing through specific channels in the body. In injury, there is a blockage of the flow of qi, acupuncture restores flow and thereby relieves the pain associated with the blockage.

LLLT – Low-level laser therapy can be explained in terms of qi, but it is best explained in terms that we can understand in a western model. The Sport Laser by ProvidenceMed has the following demonstrated benefits:

“Through the action of photo-bio- stimulation of light reactive biological receptors (chromophores) in the body, Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has demonstrated the ability to significantly accelerate and enhance the body’s natural defense and repair components in the presence of injury, inflammation and certain disease processes. Low Level Laser Therapy is also effective in providing pain relief by stimulating the production of endorphins.

By modifying the effects and limiting the duration of inflammation, as well as enhancing specific repair and healing processes, LLLT is consistent in providing pain relief, reduced inflammation, reducing injury damage and restoring loss of function. Additionally, Low Level Laser Therapy is able to facilitate more rapid cellular repair and stronger healed tissue structures Multiple clinical studies have noted the following results of LLLT: “

The Sport Laser was recently cleared by the FDA for sale and use in the treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Relief of Muscle and Joint Pain, Arthritis, Muscle Spasm, Relief of Stiffness, and the Promotion of Muscle Relaxation.

What to expect:

Low level laser therapy produces little to no sensation at all. A small number of patients have reported a slight tingling sensation along the local nerve pathway and others have reported a very slight sense of warmth. Many patients feel nothing at all.

In clinical studies approximately 75% of patients being treated noticed immediate improvement in their condition.

Total treatment time varies anywhere from to 4-5 for minor, acute injuries to 10-18 for more chronic and severe conditions. There are some conditions that will never completely resolve but can still be helped with laser therapy.

Treatment is done in a quiet, private room, is painless, and only takes 10 – 15 minutes.



cell membrane potential
cell metabolism
collagen production
lymphatic response
pain relief
tissue and bone repair
enzyme response


treatment time
duration of injury
edema magnitude

Dover Acupuncture Center
248 E. Camden Wyoming Ave.  / Camden, Delaware