
Painful Periods / Infertility
A Testimonial for Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine By Tamara C.

I must start out that I am a true believer of alternative healing traditions, especially traditional Chinese medicine. I am so much of a believer that I have left my previous career to pursue a new one in acupuncture and Chinese herbal healing remedies.
Sarah has helped me with a ton of different general ailments; however, the one condition that stands out in my mind, the most that he aided in balancing and maintaining for me, focuses on menstrual and possible fertility issues. For years I dealt with a great amount of pain and cramping, as well as heavy bleeding. My bleeding cycles were long and hard and even during ovulation I experienced a lot of pain and tenderness. My husband and I had been trying for a long time to become pregnant but to no avail. The one time I did become pregnant I had a very early miscarriage (day 5 of knowing I was pregnant). This was all very emotionally draining on both my husband and me.
During my initial consultation and my appointments following, Sarah listened to all my complaints, not only including physical ailments but emotional concerns as well. She took everything into consideration. It is truly amazing how connected our mental/emotional issues are with our physical ones! It makes a lot of sense, if you think about it. For years I had been back and forth to gynecologists who did so many tests and ultrasounds on me that I can’t even remember everything that took place. They had me on birth control pills and other medications. This all seemed like they were just trying to rid me of the symptoms and NOT the real cause, whereas acupuncture and herbs completely focused on the cause, thus ridding me of the symptoms. Go Figure!!
I am happy to say that after a few months of religious acupuncture and herbal treatments my menstrual cycles were regulated, the cyclic pain subsided, and I was finally able to become pregnant!! Sarah has continued to treat me throughout my pregnancy to support the pregnancy.
I highly recommend Dover Acupuncture for people with any medical concerns, but especially for women who suffer each month with menstrual issues and for couples trying to become pregnant. It changed my life!

Infertility and IVF – Denise C.

After four and a half years of unsuccessful attempts, I decided to try IVF one last time. This time I tried acupuncture along with the IVF. I was looking on the web and found Dover Acupuncture, and am I glad I did. Sarah is my acupuncturist. She is wonderful and I consider her a good friend now. I check in with her from time to time via email just to tell her how things are going.
I started seeing Sarah for acupuncture appointments a few months prior to the IVF cycle. As Sarah said, we were “preparing the fields for planting.” I had many questions regarding the acupuncture and Sarah did her best to answer them. Along with the acupuncture, Sarah gave me Chinese herbs. I drank them in a tea form — very simple to mix. In those few months, Sarah was able to get my hormones in line. With the endometriosis I had, my hormones have never been right. Now I was finally having normal cycles. That has NEVER happened before.
Dover Acupuncture was so accommodating. I saw her right before the transfer and right after. It was calming and reassuring to know I had someone else besides the doctors trying their best to help me achieve pregnancy.
When I found out I was pregnant, Sarah was one of the first people I called!
I was a high risk pregnancy, which made me feel nervous and scared, so I continued the acupuncture appointments after I found out that I was pregnant. Sarah even gave me herbs to help through the morning sickness. They worked like a charm! She also helped me when the tiredness kicked in.
I absolutely love the place, and believe that the acupuncture made the difference this time around. Thanks, Sarah!

Chronic Headaches and TMJ – Carla

“I have been experiencing chronic headaches, relating to TMJ, for over 8 years. I have seen a neurologist, oral surgeon and my primary care physician to try and find a way to minimize the pain I encounter each day. I have been on painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and two muscle relaxants, to no avail. I was fitted for a TMJ splint to help reduce the clenching I was doing during my sleep. I also tried Cortisone and Botox injections in my jaw and temple to help relieve the pain as well as the tension within my jaw muscles. That didn’t seem to help either and is a very expensive procedure.
I was at the point of almost giving up, but I really wanted to reduce the amount of drugs I was taking, and really wondered why I was still taking them all if I was still in pain. I was referred to a psychotherapist and to the Spaulding Rehab headache program (on a waiting list). Then I decided to take charge of my well being after many discussions with people who have had acupuncture.
The acupuncture I received from Sarah has relieved a significant amount of my head pain, especially the day-to-day headaches I was experiencing. During the treatment, you get a sense of relaxation and peace, which of course helps relieve any tension you may have prior to the session. I now have fewer, less severe headaches and have totally stopped one prescription. THIS HAS ALL HAPPENED WITHIN FOUR WEEKS!”

Post Stroke – Re-Hab Michael M.

I am a born skeptic. I have read often of the benefits of Eastern holistic techniques. Many friends have experienced the good effects of same. I thought it was not for me, I said “show me”. Well I was wrong.

At the young age of 44, I suffered a debilitating stroke. The doctors told me it was congenital. The artery to the brain had a defect and it could cause clot at any time. I found myself paralyzed across half my body a year ago. I worked the physical therapy. I attended stroke support groups. I visited a chiropractor. It was not until I tried acupuncture that I had feeling in my hand and foot again. Twenty minutes after Sarah applied the first needles, I felt my big toe again. Every session has increased my recovery. Thanksgiving I went out to dinner with my bride. For the first time in eighteen months, I could use the utensils to cut my own dinner. Every session creates more improvements. I look forward to more great things from my acupuncture treatments.

Bell’s Palsy / Ramsey Hunt Syndrome

Dear Sarah, 

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your skilled treatment of me during my recent bout of Bell’s Palsy/Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. I am not sure what I would have done if you had not agreed to see me that first Monday when I phoned. At that point, my left eye was not blinking, my mouth was half-paralyzed as well as my nose and left side of my face. I had a terrible skin infection in my ear as well as swollen lymph nodes behind my ear.
To say I was uncomfortable and miserable was an understatement. Having just received the diagnosis from my internist, I was already taking a series of anti-viral and steroid medications. I was experiencing enormous fatigue. I had to mince my food in order to eat, tape my eye shut at night after using thick eye lubricants. I really wasn’t able to read and spent most of my time with my eyes shut.
But in my gut it seemed to make sense to try acupuncture. My nerves were “injured”, and I needed to revive them. I felt that a combination of western and Chinese medicine could be the answer. My internet research on this condition showed that some people had very good luck with alternative medicine.
I appreciated your knowledge of this condition and the fact that you had already treated people with this condition. Knowing that for some recovery was slow motivated me to be aggressive with all my treatment options. Although acupuncture is rarely painful, in my case there was some discomfort on the left side of my face. You were patient and careful in the work in that area and always seemed to know when enough was enough.
I am thrilled to say that as a result of this work I am feeling great now-after just 2 weeks. My energy level is back, my eye is blinking as it should and no one would be able to see the very slight residual droop that I still have. Within another week I expect to be 100%. I can’t thank you enough Michael. I would recommend your practice to anyone with similar conditions.
My thanks and best wishes,

Linda S.

A Testimonial for Acupuncture and TCM By John P.

It never ceases to amaze me that so many people don’t seek alternative methods of treatment when western medicine fails us. I know from experience, because I was one myself. You see all my life I’ve been in and out of hospitals and doctors offices for treatment of familial tremors. Let me say this, I’ve had everything under the sun done on me from brain scans to beta blockers to blood work. Although some of the treatments worked, they had major side affects such as extreme tiredness, diarrhea, dizziness,…
The list goes on and on. Needless to say, I had a chance to chat with Sarah about this condition that I have been suffering with for 34 years of my life and he has been able to successfully treat it with a combination of acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine.
I often wonder where I would be if I hadn’t talked with Sarah about this issue. I look back at my family history and my mother died of liver cancer. Liver function is related to my situation, yet I test out perfectly by modern medical standards. Western medicine throws drugs at the problem that treat the symptoms but not the disease or condition. If you have a condition that just can’t seem to be addressed, don’t give up like I almost did. It’s so easy to give up and try to live with it when we don’t have to. Seek out alternative treatment. I’m certainly glad that I did. I have more energy than I have had in years and just generally feel better. Sarah is a great resource and I’d encourage you to seek him out.

Ankylosing Spondylitis
A Testimonial for Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine By Michelle O.

I am 31 years old and 3 ½ years ago I was having extreme back and hip pain, so my doctor sent me to a rheumatologist. I was then diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), which is a rheumatic disease that causes arthritis of the spine and sacroiliac joints and can cause inflammation of the eye, lungs and heart valves. After educating myself about this disease, I decided to try traditional methods of treatment. These treatments were anti-inflammatory medications, painkillers, and occasional cortisone injections when the pain was unbearable. These shots would eliminate the pain temporarily, but only to return worse. While taking the prescription drugs I suffered many different side effects including insomnia, headaches, acid reflux, dizziness, etc. In order to eliminate the side effects the Doctor’s wanted to prescribe more drugs. After 1 ½ years of this exhausting routine I decided to seek an alternative method of treatment, I had nothing to lose.
I researched different alternative methods of treatment and decided to try acupuncture! I called Sarah and scheduled a consultation. Sarah explained to me how acupuncture worked and asked me to explain my symptoms to him. After Sarah listened to everything I had to say, he concluded that he would be able to help me with my pain and other allergies that I had. After 3 visits I began to feel results. I was able to work my full time schedule and not be in agonizing pain, as I previously had been. At this point I was able to have regularly scheduled appointments with Sarah to help maintain my condition and control my pain.
Ankylosing spondylitis is a life long, chronic disease and though there is no cure, I am so glad that I was able to find an alternative to taking prescription drugs for the rest of my life. I would recommend everyone who may be interested in seeking alternative treatmentnt to call Sarah for a consultation!

Call for a Free consultation to see if Acupuncture and/or Chinese Herbal Medicine are right for you!

Dover Acupuncture Center
248 E. Camden Wyoming Ave.  / Camden, Delaware